To find out about how we’re keeping our clients and their loved ones safe, please read our COVID-19 Policy.
Welcome to the Me2u Centre
We aim to improve the quality of life and well-being of those with memory loss caused by dementia. Me2u Centre provides a positive and stimulating environment for all our clients, with highly trained and experienced staff on hand who have specific skills working with people who experience dementia.
We are flexible in our approach and our service provides additional support to meet the needs of our clients and their carers. Our unique service is led by a mental health nurse who possesses over ten years of experience working with older person’s mental health.
Our knowledge and expertise mean we can offer advice concerning mental health diagnoses and accompanying symptoms. We are experts in producing evidence-based support plans and are knowledgeable in the safeguarding of vulnerable adults. We’re also CQC-registered to provide domiciliary care.
Call us today on 07888 649822 for more information and to get to know our friendly and helpful staff.